10 avril 2011

Just finished the reading of a fantastic book from ... Madiba !

When I started to read this book, I was expected to learn a lot from this exceptional leader, this unbelievable man. I was far from the reality. I got more than expected ! Much more. 
Hereafter the preface from the president of the United States, Barack Obama. Nothing to add !


"Like many people around the world, I came to know of Nelson Mandela from a distance, when he was imprisoned on Robben Island. To so many of us, he was more than just a man – he was a symbol of the struggle for justice, equality, and dignity in South Africa and around the globe. His sacrifice was so great that it called upon people everywhere to do what they could on behalf of human progress.
 In the most modest of ways, I was one of those people who  tried to answer his call. The first time that I became politically active was during my college years, when I joined a campaign on behalf of divestment, and the effort to end apartheid in South Africa. None of the personal obstacles that I faced as a young man could compare to what the victims of apartheid experienced every day, and I could only imagine the courage that had led Mandela to occupy that prison cell for so many years. But his example helped awaken me to the wider world, and the obligation that we all have to stand up for what is right. Through his choices, Mandela made it clear that we did not have to accept the world as it is – that we could do our part to seek the world as it should be.
 Over the years, I continued to watch Nelson Mandela with a sense of admiration and humility, inspired by the sense of possibility that his own life demonstrated and awed by the sacrifices necessary to achieve his dream of justice and equality. Indeed, his life tells a story that stands in direct opposition to the cynicism and hopelessness that so often afflicts our world. A prisoner became a free man; a liberation figure became a passionate voice for reconciliation; a party leader became a president who advanced democracy and development. Out of formal office, Mandela continues to work for equality, opportunity and human dignity. He has done so much to change his country, and the world, that it is hard to imagine the history of the last several decades without him.
 A little more than two decades after I made my first foray into political life and the divestment movement as a college student in California, I stood in Mandela’s former cell in Robben Island. I was a newly elected United States Senator. By then, the cell had been transformed from a prison to a monument to the sacrifice that was made by so many on behalf of South Africa’s peaceful transformation. Standing there in that cell, I tried to transport myself back to those days when President Mandela was still Prisoner 466/64 – a time when the success of his struggle was by no means a certainty. I tried to imagine Mandela – the legend who had changed history – as Mandela the man who had sacrificed so much for change.
Conversations with Myself does the world an extraordinary service in giving us that picture of Mandela the man. By offering us his journals, letters, speeches, interviews, and other papers from across so many decades, it gives us a glimpse into the life that Mandela lived – from the mundane routines that helped to pass the time in prison, to the decisions that he made as President. Here, we see him as a scholar and politician; as a family man and friend; as a visionary and pragmatic leader. Mandela titled his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom. Now, this volume helps us recreate the different steps – as well as the detours – that he took on that journey.
By offering us this full portrait, Nelson Mandela reminds us that he has not been a perfect man. Like all of us, he has his flaws. But it is precisely those imperfections that should inspire each and every one of us. For if we are honest with ourselves, we know that we all face struggles that are large and small, personal and political – to overcome fear and doubt; to keep working when the outcome of our struggle is not certain; to forgive others and to challenge ourselves. The story within this book – and the story told by Mandela’s life – is not one of infallible human beings and inevitable triumph. It is the story of a man who was willing to risk his own life for what he believed in, and who worked hard to lead the kind of life that would make the world a better place.
In the end, that is Mandela’s message to each of us. All of us face days when it can seem like change is hard – days when our opposition and our own imperfections may tempt us to take an easier path that avoids our responsibilities to one another. Mandela faced those days as well. But even when little sunlight shined into that Robben Island cell, he could see a better future – one worthy of sacrifice. Even when faced with the temptation to seek revenge, he saw the need for reconciliation, and the triumph of principle over mere power. Even when he had earned his rest, he still sought – and seeks – to inspire his fellow men and women to service.
Prior to my election as President of the United States, I had the great privilege of meeting Mandela, and since taking office I have spoken with him occasionally by phone. The conversations are usually brief – he is in the twilight of his years, and I am faced with the busy schedule that comes with my office. But always, in those conversations, there are moments when the kindness, and generosity, and wisdom of the man shines through. Those are the moments when I am reminded that underneath the history that has been made, there is a human being who chose hope over fear – progress over the prisons of the past. And I am reminded that even as he has become a legend, to know the man – Nelson Mandela – is to respect him even more".
President Barack Obama

© All rights reserved. Publisher : Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 

02 avril 2011

Du leadership individuel au collectif héroïque

Tout le monde se souvient de cet homme, devenu célèbre, sans doute malgré lui, pour avoir stoppé des chars chinois lors de la manifestation de la place Tian'anmen en 1989. Oui, bien sûr, nous avons tous gravé dans nos mémoires cet événement insolite, illustration de ce que peut faire l'homme révolté. Ce leadership, car il s'agit bien ici d'une forme de leadership spontané, est lié à une situation. Nous l'avons déjà précisé à maintes reprises. Si certains hommes portent en eux des capacités de leadership innées, elles ne se révèlent bien souvent que lors de circonstances exceptionnelles. Si Alexandre le Grand avait attendu avec patience le trône de son père, Philippe de Macédoine, en se contentant seulement d'étudier avec Aristote et de se livrer à des exploits sportifs avec ses amis, serait-il devenu l'homme mythique qu'il fut finalement ? Probablement pas. Mais Alexandre avait une certaine vision du monde hellénistique et surtout de son devenir. Il voulait faire de cette région du monde une zone de mélange culturel où aucune race, aucune religion ne prédominerait, où toutes vivraient ensemble pour le bien de tous, acceptant les différences de l'autre. Précurseur s'il en est ! Sa culture était du reste immense et ses références historiques constantes. L'Odyssée et l'Ilyade étaient ses livres de chevet. Mais s'il a pu réaliser autant de choses c'est avant tout parce qu'il a vécu à la bonne époque, au bon moment. Tout est question de situation et de période. Tout est question de "timing" comme disent nos amis américains. Le général de gaule était certes un géant, mais il a aussi vécu à une époque où son leadership a pu s'exprimer. Les exemples allant dans ce sens ne manquent pas. 
Observons à présent ce que se déroule devant nos yeux, parfois effarés, la grande histoire comme on aime à le dire. Nous avons en effet la chance de vivre une période unique, que nous pouvons apparenter aux révolutions qu'ont connu les pays occidentaux des décennies ou des siècles plus tôt. Là les choses sont différentes. A l'instar de cette photographie (ci-contre), où nous voyons des hommes en colère, le leadership qui s'exprime, qui appelle à la rébellion, qui veut changer la donne et en finir avec les pouvoirs en place, ce leadership n'est pas individuel, il n'est pas personnifié, il est collectif. C'est un phénomène relativement nouveau. Quand on pense à la révolution Française, viennent aussitôt les noms de Danton ou Saint-Just, de l'autre côté de Charette (de) et Cathelineau. Mais là, les choses sont différentes. En Egypte, en Tunisie, en Syrie, en Lybie, etc. ce sont les peuples qui grondent, les peuples qui veulent d'une seule voix le changement. Ils sont la voix du changement ! C'est là un élément marquant, intéressant, tout à la fois inquiétant et rassurant. Derrière la foule, les leaders existent bien sûr. Ils ont là et contrôlent les opérations, ils dirigent, ils agissent en hommes responsables. Mais ce que nous gardons en tête nous autres, c'est l'image d'un ensemble d'hommes et de femmes en mouvement, sans nom précis, sans héros au fond ... il s'agit bien plus du peuple héroïque. Ceci nous rappelle qu'il est plus que jamais impossible d'imposer sa loi par la force. Les hommes et les femmes ne suivent les leaders que parce qu'ils le veulent bien !